The Project Futurus 衷心恭喜 中大醫學院學生大使 於 @The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學 - CUHK 「2024教學創新博覽會」榮獲 教育影響表彰 銀獎🥈。我們十分榮幸能夠與 黃水珊博士 與她的團隊透過軟餐工作坊 及 「流動五感大茶樓™️」 合作,為中大醫學院的學生共同推廣「有尊嚴飲食」及以人為本的醫學人文精神,期待日後再次合作,透過教育為社會帶來正面影響☺️!
// This meaningful initiative, which earned the Silver Award for Educational Impact🥈at CUHK’s Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2024, was brought to life by a team of six passionate teachers and students. The team included GPS students Amy Lo (Med 6), Cherry Lee (Med 3), and Valerie Yiu (Med 2), in collaboration with Dr. Isabel Hwang, Dr. Po Yeung, and Dr. Yuhuan Zhou from the School of Biomedical Sciences. Together, they explored ways to instill humanity in medical education through dignified dining workshops and a“restaurant on wheels.”//
圖片來自: 中大醫學院學生大使