Exciting news – we are honoured to be selected as a DBS Foundation 2024 Grantee! This grant fuels our mission to develop and promote inclusive dining for those with chewing and swallowing difficulties. The grant will be used to procure production equipment, provide training, consultation, and marketing support to restaurant partners. With DBS Foundation’s support, we’re ready to scale our work and create even greater change across Hong Kong! We are grateful for this opportunity to drive meaningful impact and be part of a community that believes in purpose-driven innovation. A huge thank you to DBS Foundation for championing businesses like ours. We can’t wait to take this next step forward!
Also, big congratulations to our partners – Rhys and Motive Force! Let us bring positive impact to community together!
Image from: DBS
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#DBSFoundation #DBS #星展基金會 #DBSFoundationGrant #DBSFoundationImpactBeyondAward2024 #星展基金會亞洲商業影響力大獎 #軟餐 #照護食 #carefood #吞嚥困難 #長者膳食 #軟餐俠 #CaptainSoftmeal #TheProjectFuturus #SensoryRestaurantonWheels #關懷社會 #社會共融 #社區計劃 #尊嚴飲食 #同桌同餐 #Softmeal #swallowingdifficulties #inclusivedining #DEI #ESG